Sunday, March 14, 2010

So very, very, very BLESSED!!

And tomorrow we FIGHT BACK!!!  But onto that later!!!

This weekend my family and I had one last round of pictures taken before I start chemo tomorrow.  I figure it will be a while before my hair is ever this long again!  Sarah Schadler did them and she did a FANTASTIC job.  I have to say, both my husband and I are very pleased with the results.  It was a bitter sweet day.

As most of you know, Kennedy was running a HIGH fever on Saturday (103.8) and I was honestly worried we would have to cancel, but she was a trooper!!!  We had to wake her this morning and ran a little late - as I call it running on Lehmier or Beth time - but she was great today, even with a fever still and sore, sore gums.  Those bottom teeth are breaking through!

Here are a few shots from our session.  I hope you enjoy them!  I know we will cherish them and are grateful to Sarah for her willingness to accommodate us.

I start round one of chemo tomorrow morning.  Call me crazy, but I am excited!  Tomorrow we FINALLY begin fighting back against this evil disease.  Pray my enthusiasm remains as I am being poked, prodded, having blood drawn, a port inserted, and receiving a special cocktail of drugs pumped into me to help destroy/shrink the cancer cells.  Pray for Chris as I can't imagine how he feels.  Helpless I imagine and scared.  I love him so much and am blessed to have him as my husband.

Many, many, many thanks to those who have signed up to race with us on Mother's Day.  At last count we had a total of 25 walkers/runners, and I know of at least 6 more who said they were signing up.  I am AMAZED at the outpouring of support.  I have  heard that a Philadelphia Triple B's Team is also currently in the works.  I am in tears at the outpouring of love and support!  You are all awesome!!!  Contact me if you are interested in participating with that team!  Words alone can not express how grateful Chris & I am to have such wonderful friends and family in our lives.  Thank you all for the cards, books, meals, babysitting offers, and support.  We are very grateful and blessed to have each of you in our lives!

Check back tomorrow evening for an update!  And please keep myself, Chris, and Kennedy who will be with her pappy in your prayers tomorrow.  (Pappy might need some too since Kennedy is still teething!!)  Love to all!!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Good luck today!