Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Artierogram & Port Placement

Yesterday was another LONG day for Chris & I at Magee.  I had an artierogram and a chest port placed.  We had to be at the hospital at 9:30am and were there until almost 5pm.  The artierogram took place first and went off with no complications.  I was awake for the whole procedure but given drugs to help calm me down.  Dr. Buck said everything looked PERFECT!  No blockages or clots.  Everything looked normal!!

Next was the port placement, which went just as smoothly.  They went from one procedure, right into the next and I had no complications.  We couldn't have asked for a better doctor.  He was very professional and did a good job. 

After the procedure, I had to lay flat for several hours.  Because they went in through a major artery in my groin, there was a high risk of bleeding and they needed to make sure the artery had clotted.  After a few hours they raised my head 30 degrees, then to a full sitting position in a chair.  About 4:30pm, they released me into rush hour traffic.  Fun times heading home!!!

This morning, the day after the procedures, I am feeling so-so.  My chest on the right side, where the port was placed, is VERY sore.  I guess that is to be expected.  I have to keep it dry until Friday, so sponge baths for me until then.  I also can't submerge it in a pool for two months until it is completely healed.  Guess it is a good thing it is March and I have no plans to go swimming this week.  My groin area isn't very sore at all.  I guess it might be a more prominent pain if my shoulder wasn't stealing the limelight.  I am sure it will be tender while it heals.

Lastly, the issue of my hair...  Yesterday while I was showering, I noticed more and more hair in my hands with each pass through.  I finally shut the water off and gave up trying to get the loose strands out.  If I had stayed in the shower I'd probably be bald right now and have racked up a pretty nice water bill.  I proceeded to do my hair, which only confirmed it was indeed falling out.  My brush was filled with hair and with each pass over it with my flat iron, more and more strands were falling out.  Out of nervous habit, my hands smoothed over my hair at the hospital in which more strands fell out while waiting for my procedures.  It was discomforting seeing all my hair on the floor.  Thank God I was born with THICK hair.  On the way to the hospital we called my hairdresser who agreed to shave my head this Thursday.  So tomorrow night, April 1st, my hair stylist is shaving my head. 

On Monday, March 29th, my mom and I made a trip out to the wig bank at the Beaver Falls beauty Academy.  Unfortunately, they only had three brunette wigs, all of which made me look like an old lady.  I wasn't quite thrilled enough with any of them to turn in my voucher from the American Cancer Society for a free wig.  My mom & I left, quite disappointed.  We decided to grab lunch at the Brighton Hot Dog shop just down the road.  Upon parking I noticed a Beauty Supplies store right across the street from the Hot Dog Shop.  My mom and I figured we didn't have much to lose, so we decided to check it out.  Low and behold the guy in the shop had wigs and many different types and they were only $20!  We left empty handed since he only took cash, but returned after lunch and a stop at the bank to buy "Amy."  I promise pictures will follow, once we get her styled right.  :-)  Hoping my hair dresser can fix her up a little before her debut. 

So, with yesterday's good test results we are no closer to finding out why I got so sick last week.  All signs right now are pointing to the chemo.  We meet with the new oncologist on Thursday.  I promise to update once we know what's next in the treatment plan.  Right now everything is in the air.  My next chemo was supposed to be Monday 4/5, but with a change in doctors, the days I go for chemo might be changing as well. 

Keep us in your prayers tomorrow as we meet the new oncologist.  If we start a new plan of attack we are back at square one - which means my next chemo will be the first of six treatments as opposed to having one treatment under our belt already.  It's very discouraging, especially since we don't know why I got so ill.  We can only speculate the chemo. 

Thanks again to all the wonderful people in my life!  The cards, flowers, meals, and words or encouragement have helped more than you can imagine.  My family I are very grateful!!!

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