Anyone ever hear of such a thing as a chemical pregnancy? Well, I learned the hard way.
We had a roller coaster of a weekend a few weeks back. Two Saturday's after our return from Jamaica I was planning on heading out to the Minute Clinic at CVS. I think I had picked up some sort of rash/bug bite on our trip. My legs had little pimple like bites on them and they were so itchy!!! Before I went though, I stopped and thought I better take a pregnancy test. I knew they were going to ask me if I was pregnant before they would prescribe me anything. So, the roller coaster starts, I pee in a dixie cup and stick the little strip in and sit and wait, and wait, and wait.... Finally the three minutes pass and I look down and see the faintest second line. I am too excited and hoping to see that second line so I ask Chris to look... He agreed there was a faint pink line. So, being that I still had my dixie cup I rummaged under the sink for my stash of tests and dipped the EPT stick in, looking to see if there was a plus sign. Three minutes pass and yet another faint line. I think I repeated this four or five times... All with the same results...
So, off to the Minute Clinic I go with my pregnancy sticks in hand and my itchy legs in tow. (Notice the tests are now more important). After waiting what seemed like an eternity (an hour to be precise), it was my turn to enter and have my few minutes with the nurse. Long story short, I showed the tests, showed my legs, and he sent me on my way with nothing. He couldn't do anything because according to my little tests, I was pregnant. Those annoying little bites, they were just some type of chigger bite.
So, naturally, I freak out and meet one of my best buds for lunch, who also sneaks a peak at my nasty peed on sticks. She agrees, but says she thinks I should take a digital before we get too excited. So, after lunch we head to Target. Before I even purchased the test I am in the little bathroom by the pharmacy peeing on a stick and again the waiting begins... This one confirms it and I am so excited I could scream! I show Jen the stick and all is confirmed. I can't believe this happened after only a month of trying.
We go on the rest of the day, going through all the emotions, shock, to fear, to excitement. We head out for dinner to Buca and I am actually okay with the idea of forgoing that beer. After all, our baby is in me. I figured out I was about 5 1/2 weeks pregnant and went crazy. I spent over $100 on books at Barnes & Noble that day.
Sunday morning came and I was excited and nervous. I felt something just wasn't right. I got up and decided to pee on another test stick, just to see if the lines were darker. To my shock, nothing appeared but the test line. Panic set in, could this really be happening? Maybe it is just a bad test. After all you are more likely to get a false negative than a false positive, right? Well, after a trip to K-Mart for more digital tests, I had about 7 tests all saying negative sitting on the bathroom counter. I tested every time I went to the bathroom with the same results.

Chris was awesome. He wasn't going to let this get me too down in the dumps, although I spent a good bit crying on Sunday. He kept reminding me that we need a doctor and we didn't know anything. He wouldn't let me go back to bed and mope, but instead made me shower and drug me to church. We left right after communion (I wasn't feeling really churchy) and went to lunch at Bocktown. He then spent the day with me keeping me going. We spent 8 hours cleaning and tossing crap away. Working on the house so that if the doctor did give us good news we would feel like we were a step ahead. I know it sounds weird, but on Saturday I had a little freak out after the positive test. There was so much to get done and nine months was not going to be enough time.
The next morning, I called Greater Pittsburgh OBGYN. They wouldn't seem me until I was 8 weeks along. They told me to "wait it out," and either I would get my period/miscarry or keep progressing. I couldn't just wait this out. It was taking it's tool on me and I had to know. I thought I was crazy. After a long run around with them and two hours of back and forth phone messages I decided they were not the OBGYN for me. I went back to my old practice that has new doctors and called them. I was thoroughly impressed. They told me to come right in. The doctor spent almost a full half hour with me. Going over my medication, making suggestions, and telling me how we would proceed next. I then went to Ohio Valley for blood work, which the doctor put a rush on. I would know within an hour what was going on with me.
I got home, exhausted from the highs and lows, and took a nap. I awoke to the Dr.'s office calling me. I wasn't crazy, I was pregnant and the blood work still showed me pregnant, but the baby was dying. I was having a miscarriage. My hcg levels were only at 4, they needed to be at 20 for a home test to pick up. That meant my numbers were decreasing and the pregnancy wasn't viable. I was crushed. I learned what a chemical pregnancy was the hard way.
The good news is we can start trying again as soon as we ovulate, but it is hard, sitting here waiting for the miscarriage/period process to begin. The funny thing is I may have never known about the pregnancy it I didn't have those stupid bites on legs.